Wildfire Wednesdays #94 Counteracting wildfire misinformation

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There is misinformation about wildfire, ecosystem health, fire mitigation and forest resilience in Santa Fe. Misinformation about wildfire in Santa Fe has led to significant roadblocks to mitigation and resilience projects that address our wildfire crisis. With climate change exacerbating the consequences of each wildfire year, the outcome of this misinformation could come at high environmental an community cost. The Coalition stands with the consensus among scientists summarized in the recently released Jones et al. (2022) paper and associated table. The paper and table address misinformation about wildfire and debunks prominent examples of wildfire misinformation.

Click on any of the photos or text below to access the PDF versions of this research.

“Wildfire mitigation requires accurate information about drivers of wildfire change, the impacts to society and ecosystems, and actions that alter trends. Misinformation confuses people about the causes, contexts, and impacts of wildfire and substantially hinders society’s ability to proactively adapt to and plan for inevitable future fires. (Jones et al. 2022)”.

Click on the image to access the PDF version of this research and the associated reference pages for the webtable.