Wildfire Wednesdays #82: Southwest Wildfire Awareness Week!

Happy Wednesday Fireshed community!

This week, March 31st - April 2nd, is Southwest Wildfire Awareness Week. This year’s theme is “Don’t Wait for Wildfires to Start, Prepare and Be Aware.”

Historically, New Mexico’s fire danger is highest in the spring, when red flag conditions are common. It is important to be prepared before the onset of red flag conditions and reduce your property’s wildfire risk. Taking steps now to harden your home and create defensible space is the best way to reduce the threat of wildfire to you, your family and your community.

This week’s Wildfire Wednesday features information on:

  • Red Flag days

  • Meaningful projects that you can complete in as little as 10 minutes

  • Home Ignition Zone Webinar: Thursday, March 31st at 2pm

  • Upcoming events: Women’s Chainsaw safety workshop



Red Flag Warnings

A Red Flag Warning means warm temperatures, very low humidities, and stronger winds are expected to combine to produce an increased risk of fire danger.  Keep an eye on your local weather or call into your local fire department to learn if a red flag warning is in effect in your area. Follow the National Weather Service’s guidance on red flag days:

 - If you are allowed to burn in your area, all burn barrels must be covered with a weighted metal cover, with holes no larger than 3/4 of an inch.

 - Do not throw cigarettes or matches out of a moving vehicle. They may ignite dry grass on the side of the road and become a wildfire.

 - Extinguish all outdoor fires properly. Drown fires with plenty of water and stir to make sure everything is cold to the touch. Dunk charcoal in water until cold. Do not throw live charcoal on the ground and leave it.

 - Never leave a fire unattended. Sparks or embers can blow into leaves or grass, ignite a fire, and quickly spread.

Improve Fire Outcomes in your Community

Meaningful projects you can complete in as little as 10 minutes

Even small actions can have a big impact on fire outcomes for your home, family and community. Whether you have 10 minutes or 10 hours to dedicate to wildfire preparedness, use that time increase your safety, strengthen community resilience and improve fire outcomes. Not sure where to start? Click here to review this list of project ideas from the national Fire Adapted Communities learning network!

Home Ignition Zone webinar: Tomorrow at 2pm!

Click here to register for Zoom, or tune in live on the FACNM Facebook live page.

In this 60 minute webinar, Megan Fitzgerald-McGowan of the National Fire Protection Association will show you how to prepare your home for fire season. Research has shown that there are simple and easy actions you can take in the areas closest to your home to drastically lessen the chances of it catching fire in a wildfire. Tune-in to learn about the Home Ignition Zones and find out what you can do! Register now to attend the webinar via Zoom, or tune in on the FACNM Facebook live page.

Upcoming Events

Women’s Chainsaw Safety Fundamentals

April 30th - May 1st in Chama, NM

If you don’t typically use a chainsaw, have a healthy fear of them, or are not sure you’re up for handling one, then this course is designed for you! It’s also for women with experience who might like to brush up on safety skills and build extra confidence in a supportive group of fellow female land stewards. The first day will cover most of the content and include hands-on practice, and the second day will provide additional opportunities to build proficiency.

Click here to learn more!