Fire Managers from the Española Ranger District of the Santa Fe National Forest are preparing for multiple prescribed fire projects tentatively planned for fall and winter. Fire managers will discuss the projects at an informational community meeting 5:30-7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 25 at the Santa Fe National Forest Supervisor’s Office (11 Forest Lane).
We invite you to attend to learn more about the purpose, process, and safety considerations of prescribed fire projects as well as to share support for prescribed fire as one of the most effective tools to reduce the risk of catastrophic wildfires, protect watersheds, and increase the resilience of forests.
Projects include:
North Aztec Springs. The 647-acre broadcast burn includes objectives to use prescribed fire within thinned areas, reduce the risk of catastrophic uncharacteristic wildfire, and improve the condition and health of riparian areas and the watershed.
Borrego Campground 2. The 130-acre broadcast burn includes objectives to use prescribed fire within thinned areas, to restore and maintain desired forest diversity, and meet structure and old growth characteristics consistent with the Forest Plan.
Hyde Park North Ridge. The 52-acre pile burn includes objectives to manage fuel loads reducing the risk of uncharacteristic wildfire in target areas.
Tesuque Initial Units. The 69-acre pile burn includes objectives to manage fuel loads reducing the risk of uncharacteristic fire in target areas.
A final decision to proceed with a prescribed fire depends on agency administrator approval, resource availability, and favorable conditions including fuel moisture levels, air quality and forecast weather. Prescribed fires are managed with firefighter and public safety as priority.
Smoke from these prescribed fire projects may be visible from Santa Fe and surrounding communities. Smoke-sensitive individuals and people with respiratory problems or heart disease are encouraged to take precautions. To learn more about how the New Mexico Environment Department Smoke Management Program ensures prescribed fires are carried out safely visit NMED’s Smoke Management Program webpage. For information on how to check out a HEPA filter through Fire Adapted Communities New Mexico’s HEPA Filter Loan Program, go to
For more information on these projects contact the Española District Office by phone (505) 753- 7331 or visit the office at 18537 US 84/285 Suite B Española, NM 87532. To learn more about SFNF fire management visit the SFNF website, NM Fire Info, and SFNF social media (Facebook and X).