Emergency Planning
Get the emergency information you need to act! Sign up for Alert Santa Fe.
Alert Santa Fe is the official emergency alert and notification system for the City and County of Santa Fe, NM. This system is used to send alerts to the public and internally to city or county employees during emergencies. Alert Santa Fe is a free service that allows you to sign-up online to receive customized alerts via text message, email, voice message and on social media (Facebook and Twitter). In addition to emergency alerts, you can also choose to opt-into receiving customizable community notifications. These include notifications about severe weather, safety, utility disruptions, major traffic incidents, and more. This service is provided by the City of Santa Fe at no cost to the public; however, message and data rates may apply.
Evacuation and Go Bag Kit tips
In this webinar Recording Remington Gillum, the Wildland Specialist at Santa Fe County will present the Ready, Set, Go Program, an all-inclusive program to prepare you and your family for wildfire. Starting at the 20 minute mark Ann Church of Villages of Santa Fe will then show you how to construct a go kit, an evacuation bag that contains a supply of items you would need to safely evacuate your home.
These resources provide checklists to prepare your family for evacuation if the time comes.
A Go-Bag is an evacuation bag that contains a three-day supply of items you would need to safely evacuate your home. These bags are prepared in advance, before an emergency, and are kept in an easily accessible place.
Ready.gov - A wealth of information about preparing for any disaster from the Department of Homeland Security.
Emergency planning tips flyer - Flyer with details about how to build a go kit and plan for evacuations.
Un plan de acción contra incendios forestales - Folleto con detalles sobre la construcción de un kit de emergencia y la preparación para la evacuación.
Wiki How- Build a Go Bag - Detailed instructions on how to create your own go kit
Go Kit Presentation - From Ann Church of Villages of Santa Fe. This PDF is full of great links to more information so click on those to learn more!
Use the Ready Santa Fe App
Be prepared for disaster. The Ready Santa Fe app is an all-hazards overview of disaster information to help you prepare, plan and respond to disaster in your area. Using the Ready Santa Fe app, you will be able to:
Create a personalized Emergency Preparedness Plan by answering five basic questions.
Receive critical emergency alerts via push notification.
Get the latest news and weather for the Santa Fe area.
Display up-to-date evacuation route maps.
Share your status with your selected contacts with the push of a button.
Locate emergency shelters and other critical resources.