March and April
and you're invited to participate!
This event has passed. Use the links below to access the presentations and check back for more events like this in the future!
The Forest Stewards Guild with help from partners, and funding from the New Mexico Association of Counties, brings you a FREE Spring Seminar Series that is designed to lead you through an interactive, participatory learning experience about the Greater Santa Fe Fireshed.
Every other Wednesday March 15th - April 26th there will be an evening seminar held from 5:30 - 7 at REI in Santa Fe that focuses on topics affecting our fireshed. Speakers will address issues such as, the impacts a wildfire would have on economy, culture and tourism; what does it mean to restore a forest; the role of fire in the forest ecosystem; smoke management; programs available that will help you reduce your risk from wildfire, and much more. There will be time for discussion, questions and community announcements after each seminar. Participants are invited to continue their conversations at Second Street Brewing at the Railyard following each seminar. Participants are encouraged to attend as many of the four seminars as they can. Each seminar will address a new topic and may integrate discussions or ideas from the previous topic.
Three field trips will integrate the seminar discussions and lessons into fun, interactive day trips into the fireshed, led by forest and fire professionals. Please RSVP if you would like to attend a field trip.
Seminar Series every other Wednesday through March and April at REI!
March 15
What are we protecting? - Values at risk in the SF Watershed
5:30 - 7pm, REI community room. Explore the impacts wildfire would have on the economy, tourism and culture of Santa Fe and the surrounding area from recreation, Tribal and water resource professionals. Discuss with your peers what you value about the Greater Santa Fe Fireshed and how a wildfire would impact you or your business.
5:30 - 5:45 Opening remarks, what is the Greater Santa Fe Fireshed?
5:45 - 6:30 What impact would a wildfire have on...
- Water resources - Alan Hook, City of Santa Fe Water Resources Div.
- Tesuque Pueblo and cultural values at stake - Ryan Swazo-Hinds, Tesuque Pueblo Environment Dept.
- Recreation and outdoor tourism - Brent Bonwell, Santa Fe Fat Tire Society
6:30 - 7:00 - Discussion, Q&A & Announcements
March 29
Forest restoration: What does it mean and why do we need it?
Learn about forest and fire ecology from a local USGS scientist. Understand what it means to restore a forest and hear about current thinning and restoration projects in the fire shed from the City of Santa Fe Fire Department's Wildland Urban Interface Specialist.
5:30 - 5:45 opening remarks, what is the Greater Santa Fe Fireshed?
5:45 - 6:10 The fundamentals of forest ecology, what does it mean to restore a forest? - Collin Haffey, NM Landscapes Field Station, USGS
6:10 - 6:35 Why is forest restoration needed? Active forest restoration projects in the fireshed - Porfirio Chavarria, City of Santa Fe Fire Dept.
6:35 - 7:00 - Discussion, Q&A & Announcements
April 08
Visit the site of recent pile burns near the city municipal watershed. Field trip led by the City of Santa Fe Fire Dept. Hiking required. Bring water and a jacket.
TIME: 9-12 MEETING PLACE: You will receive an email when you RSVP with this information.
Field trip!
April 12
What do you mean "controlled burn"? Fire as a restoration tool & smoke management
Understand the role of fire in the ecosystem. Learn how controlled/ prescribed fire is implemented and find out how smoke is managed and mitigated during a controlled burn. Discuss with your peers and fire professionals the how and why behind controlled burns.
5:30 - 5:45 Opening remarks, what is the Greater Santa Fe Fireshed?
5:45 - 6:30 Dennis Carril, Fire ecology/ Fuels, Santa Fe National Forest USFS
- Why prescribed fire – the role of fire in the forest ecosystem
- How is prescribed fire implemented?
- Smoke Management
6:30 - 7:00 Discussion, Q&A & Announcements
April 26
What can I do to reduce my risk? - Actions you can take
There are programs available to help you reduce risk of wildfire on your property. Hear about a cost-share opportunity to help you reduce fuels on your property. Learn how to conduct your own home wildfire risk assessment and bring home a booklet that will walk you through the steps. Find out about an ambassador program offered from the City of Santa Fe that will help you reduce your risk.
5:30 - 5:45 Opening remarks, what is the Greater Santa Fe Fireshed?
5:45 - 6:30 Actions you can take to reduce your risk to wildfire
- Hazardous Fuels Reduction in the GSFF - Grant Share Opportunity
- How to Conduct Your Own Home Hazard Assessment
- Become A Fireshed Ambassador in Your Community
6:30 - 7:00 Discussion, Q&A & Announcements
April 27th
Fireshed mountain bike ride with the Forest Stewards Guild. Bring your bike, helmet and water. Moderate difficulty, some uphill on the lower Windsor trail required.
TIME: 5:30 - 7:30 | MEET UP: Bear Wallow trail head @ 5:30.
Field trip!
June 10th
**Rescheduled to June 10th**
Wildfire risk home assessment training and defensible space tour.
TIME: 10:00-12:00 | MEET UP: Atalaya Lower Trailhead @St. John's College