Simtable presented by the Greater Santa Fe Fireshed Coalition and Villages of Santa Fe
How does fire spread? How vulnerable is my neighborhood? Simtable creates wildfire simulations to show how fire spreads through communities. The topography of Santa Fe is projected onto a simulation table and the sand is contoured to match Santa Fe’s mountains, arroyos, and rolling hills. Wind speed and direction are factored in plus the available fuel and then fire AND, although fire might not be your concern, air quality might, so what is your evacuation plan?
Focus Communities
At the times listed below we will focus on certain communities and project their area on the Simtable.
Please feel free to come to any session. At 6:00 we will have a session open to anyone and will decide where to do the fire simulation based on who is in attendance.
3:00 – Highway 14, Ranch Allegre
3:45 - Eastside
4:30 - 599 Corridor
5:15 - Eldorado
6:00 - General Public
Videos and more information:
This event will take place of our November Fireshed Ambassador meeting. Regular meetings will resume in January.