Santa Fe Wildfire Preparedness Open House
10:00 AM10:00

Santa Fe Wildfire Preparedness Open House

  • City of Santa Fe Office of Emergency Management (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us for three workshops sessions about how you can prepare for wildfire.

From 10:00 am to 1:00 pm at the City of Santa Fe Office of Emergency Management at the old College of Santa Fe, see map below. Refreshments provided.

Hosted by the Greater Santa Fe Fireshed Coalition, the City of Santa Fe Fire Department, City of Santa Fe Department of Emergency Management, Villages of Santa Fe, and the Forest Stewards Guild.

Workshops include:

Evacuation Preparation

  • How to be alerted about wildfire in Santa Fe

  • How to create a “Go Kit”  

  • How to prepare your family and home to evacuate

How to prepare your home for wildfire.

  • Simple things you can do to reduce the risk of your home igniting.

  • Conducting your own Home Hazard Assessment.

 Wildfire Modeling

“Go Kit” Giveaway

Villages of Santa Fe will giving away a few “go kits” as door prizes. These are complete emergency preparedness kits that get you ready for most emergencies or evacuations. Thanks to Villages of Santa Fe for organizing this and to NFPA and State Farm for providing support.

 Map to the Department of Emergency Management


 Contact for more information:


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Eldorado Chipper Day
10:00 AM10:00

Eldorado Chipper Day

This is a Community Event for Eldorado. If you would like to host a fuels reduction day in your community contact

On May 4, Fire Preparedness Day, Eldorado residents can bring their slash to the ECIA community building parking lot, 1 Hacienda Loop, from 10-4 where the ECIA maintenance crew will run a chipper and direct traffic. 

The limit is one pick-up truck load so that as many residents as possible can participate. 

(No construction material, stumps, or weeds please, 10 inch diameter max. for tree limbs) 

For safety and traffic mitigation we have divided the community into five zones. 

Please check your zone for arrival time: 

10-11AM Zone 1 

11-12 AM Zone 2 

12-1 lunch break for the ECIA maintenance crew. 

1-2 PM Zone 3 

2-3 PM Zone 4 

3-4 PM Zone 5 

I am looking for volunteers to assist the maintenance crew and assist any residents who do not have the means to bring wood from their property.  

If you are willing to help and have any questions please call Libby Maclaren 617- 276 -2184   

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5:30 PM17:30

Canyon Road Neighborhood Association Wildfire Preparedness meeting

This is an Upper Canyon Community Event only.  If you would like to host your own wildfire preparedness meeting in your neighborhood, contact the Santa Fe Fire Department, Porfirio Chavarria


Randall Davey Audubon Center & Sanctuary

1800 Upper Canyon Rd, Santa Fe, NM 87505


Join the Santa Fe Fire Department, Wildland Urban Interface Specialist, Porfirio Chavarria for an evening to discuss wildfire preparedness in the Canyon. Topics will include how to prepare for wildfires, what to do during a wildfire event, and what you may expect after a wildfire.   There will also be a wildfire simulation using SimTable, demonstrating how a fire might behave in the Canyon and how firefighters may respond.

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Wildfires & Small Business Resiliency - Panel Discussion
9:00 AM09:00

Wildfires & Small Business Resiliency - Panel Discussion

This Discussion is to better understand the economic impact of wildfires on local businesses in Northern New Mexico. Local businesses will discuss their experiences during past wildfires, how the recovered, and how they do business differently today.

Seating is limited!

Please RSVP to

Presented by:

Wildfire Mitigation Clearinghouse Feasibility Study

Flyer WMC 5.2.19 Panel Discussion.png
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Era of Megafires Movie Showing + Panel Discussion
6:00 PM18:00

Era of Megafires Movie Showing + Panel Discussion

Back by popular demand!

The Fireshed Coalition is hosting a second showing of Era of Megafires during Wildfire Preparedness week.

May 1st at 6:00 pm at

Jean Cocteau.png

The last showing was 100 percent sold out. Join us on May 1st at 6:00 pm for a showing of the film followed by a panel discussion. Tickets are $8 and will be available for purchase on the Jean Cocteau website in early-April.

The movie will be followed by a panel discussion with local experts to talk about the risk of wildfire here in Santa Fe, the impacts fire could have and what the Santa Fe Fireshed Coalition partners are doing to prepare. While the movie was produced in the Northwest, it still is very applicable to the Southwest. You can get a feel for the hour-long movie by watching this shorter 15-minute TED talk beforehand.   

Additional information:

The rise of highly destructive megafires -- wildfires over 100,000 acres -- has become one of today's most pressing and complex problems, threatening our communities, homes, businesses and even our very way of life. Facing the reality of this issue is daunting, but like all wicked problems, through education and action we can change the way fire comes to our forests and communities.  

The Era of Megafires is a 60-minute multi-media presentation that combines the research of Dr. Paul Hessburg (Pacific Northwest Research Station, U.S. Forest Service) with the visual storytelling of award-winning film company, North 40 Productions. It’s presented in the form of fast-moving, short, topic-based talks interspersed with compelling video vignettes and animations.  

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